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Mon-Fre 8-16h
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Mon-Fre 8-16h
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Startseite > Camping > Campingausrüstung > Tragbare Kühlboxen und Kühltaschen > Isotherme mobile Kühler TB41 TB41 40L 12/24/220V
< Tragbare Kühlboxen und Kühltaschen

Isotherme mobile Kühler TB41 TB41 40L 12/24/220V

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Isotherme mobile Kühler TB41 TB41 40L 12/24/220V
Isotherme mobile Kühler TB41 TB41 40L 12/24/220V
Isotherme mobile Kühler TB41 TB41 40L 12/24/220V
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Isotherme mobile Kühler TB41 TB41 40L 12/24/220V
Isotherme mobile Kühler TB41 TB41 40L 12/24/220V
Isotherme mobile Kühler TB41 TB41 40L 12/24/220V
Isotherme mobile Kühler TB41 TB41 40L 12/24/220V
ID: IS2041BD70000
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Isotherme mobile Kühler TB41 TB41 40L 12/24/220V

0 Rezensionen
630,00 €
Nicht verfügbar
630,00 €
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Lieferzeit 3-14 TageETD: 3-14 Tage kostenlos0,00 €
Lieferzeit 3-14 TageETD: 3-14 Tage 8,00 €

Isotherm Travel Boxes are rugged compressor-based portable fridge/freezers which can be operated at refrigerator temperatures or freezer temperatures. These versatile units have dual-speed Danfoss/SeCOP compressors which can be operated in MAX or ECO mode. MAX mode runs the compressor at top speed for fast cooling. The ECO mode runs the compressor at slow speed which consumes less battery power. All Isotherm Travel Boxes offer great capacities to store food and drinks on board, on the road, at the campsite, or in the home. The electronic board AC/DC Secop converter allows a DC 12/24V or an AC 115-230V supply. The switching between DC and AC is automatic. Three battery protection levels as standard. Maximum capacity: it can also contain 1,5 litres bottles in vertical position. Optional fixing kit available.

Technical details:
- volume: 40l
- size: 445x585(700)x350mm
- wieght: 21kg
- consumption: 225 W/24h
- operating temperature: +5 do -18°C (stupnjeva celzijevih)
- Danfoss kompresor: BD35F
- Pull out inner basket for easy acces
- Strong soft touch carrying handles
- Very light and compact dimensions
- Internal LED light
- Electronic thermostat control to maximize energy savings
- New sturdy injection moulded lid with integrated closing system


Isotherm Travel Boxes are rugged compressor-based portable fridge/freezers which can be operated at refrigerator temperatures or freezer temperatures. These versatile units have dual-speed Danfoss/SeCOP compressors which can be operated in MAX or ECO mode. MAX mode runs the compressor at top speed for fast cooling. The ECO mode runs the compressor at slow speed which consumes less battery power. All Isotherm Travel Boxes offer great capacities to store food and drinks on board, on the road, at the campsite, or in the home. The electronic board AC/DC Secop converter allows a DC 12/24V or an AC 115-230V supply. The switching between DC and AC is automatic. Three battery protection levels as standard. Maximum capacity: it can also contain 1,5 litres bottles in vertical position. Optional fixing kit available.

Technical details:
- volume: 40l
- size: 445x585(700)x350mm
- wieght: 21kg
- consumption: 225 W/24h
- operating temperature: +5 do -18°C (stupnjeva celzijevih)
- Danfoss kompresor: BD35F
- Pull out inner basket for easy acces
- Strong soft touch carrying handles
- Very light and compact dimensions
- Internal LED light
- Electronic thermostat control to maximize energy savings
- New sturdy injection moulded lid with integrated closing system

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