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Mon-Fre 8-16h
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Mon-Fre 8-16h
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Startseite > Camping > Campingausrüstung > Andere Camping Ausrüstung > Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
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Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic

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Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
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Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic
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Bravo Campingtisch und Hocker Set Pic Nic

0 Rezensionen
56,99 €49,99 €-12% RABATT
Nicht verfügbar
56,99 €49,99 €-12% RABATT
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Lieferzeit 3-14 TageETD: 3-14 Tage 5,00 €
Lieferzeit 3-14 TageETD: 3-14 Tage 20,00 €

Pic Nic is a light, durable and extremely convenient folding camping table or picnic table, that comes in a set with two stools and a travel bag. The best thing about the Pic Nic camping table set is, that you can take it with you anywhere at all. The set is very easy to carry around because of the bag it comes in, and the chairs are already supplied so you won't need to buy them seperately. The table also features two drink holders, that will take care of your drink not spilling, and a convenient side pocket.

The table is easy to set up and you will be finished in a minute. You simply stretch out the top part and the iron structure. Then the top part is attached on the iron structure in four locations. The stools are even easier to set up as you only need to stretch them out, and you can already sit on them.

This table is extremely convenient, doesn't take up much space and you will be able to take it with you anywhere you go. The table is ideal for camping, bikers, hikers, fishermen and everyone else who spends a lot of time outside.

Table is made out of iron structure made of 12 x 12 mm tubes and a heavy duty top material.

Total weight: 4 kg
Stool carry capacity: 90 kg
Product number: 7507259
Dimensions: 83 x 56 x 54 cm
Dimensions when folded and stored: 34 x 34 x 36 cm


Pic Nic is a light, durable and extremely convenient folding camping table or picnic table, that comes in a set with two stools and a travel bag. The best thing about the Pic Nic camping table set is, that you can take it with you anywhere at all. The set is very easy to carry around because of the bag it comes in, and the chairs are already supplied so you won't need to buy them seperately. The table also features two drink holders, that will take care of your drink not spilling, and a convenient side pocket.

The table is easy to set up and you will be finished in a minute. You simply stretch out the top part and the iron structure. Then the top part is attached on the iron structure in four locations. The stools are even easier to set up as you only need to stretch them out, and you can already sit on them.

This table is extremely convenient, doesn't take up much space and you will be able to take it with you anywhere you go. The table is ideal for camping, bikers, hikers, fishermen and everyone else who spends a lot of time outside.

Table is made out of iron structure made of 12 x 12 mm tubes and a heavy duty top material.

Total weight: 4 kg
Stool carry capacity: 90 kg
Product number: 7507259
Dimensions: 83 x 56 x 54 cm
Dimensions when folded and stored: 34 x 34 x 36 cm

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