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Mon-Fre 8-16h
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Weltweiter versand
Mon-Fre 8-16h
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Startseite > Camping > Campingausrüstung > Tragbare Kühlboxen und Kühltaschen > Bravo Kühltasche Isoliertasche Cristallo K2
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Bravo Kühltasche Isoliertasche Cristallo K2

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Bravo Kühltasche Isoliertasche Cristallo K2
Bravo Kühltasche Isoliertasche Cristallo K2
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Bravo Kühltasche Isoliertasche Cristallo K2
Bravo Kühltasche Isoliertasche Cristallo K2
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Bravo Kühltasche Isoliertasche Cristallo K2

0 Rezensionen
44,90 €39,51 €-12% RABATT
Auf Lager
44,90 €39,51 €-12% RABATT
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Auf Lager
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schnellere Lieferung:
(Oben PLZ eintreten)
Lieferzeit 5-6 TageETD: 5-6 Tage 5,00 €
Lieferzeit 3-5 TageETD: 3-5 Tage 20,00 €

Bravo Cristalo K2 is perfect for picnics, spending entire days on the beach or for camping.

Bravo insulated cooler bag Cristallo K2 is different from the other two Bravo Cristallo bags because it features a stable umbrella steel structire, which can extent to a convenient 86 cm height. This makes it perfect to use as a replacement for your refridgerator, while you're in a camp and in other situations. The structure is easily detachable when it is not needed.

This cooler bag is a quality bag as well as the other two Bravo Cristallo bags. The bag is very sturdy and durable. It is also beautifully colored in green with white and brown stripes.

The bag features a large compartment for practical use. The bag is internally lined with aluminum sheets, which ensure high isolation for long perservation of your food and beverages. The bag is made out of 600D polyester and teslin.

The bag insulated cooler bag comes with a travel bag for easier transportation.

Product number: 7401232
Dimensions: 37 x 37 x 86 cm
Color: green


Bravo Cristalo K2 is perfect for picnics, spending entire days on the beach or for camping.

Bravo insulated cooler bag Cristallo K2 is different from the other two Bravo Cristallo bags because it features a stable umbrella steel structire, which can extent to a convenient 86 cm height. This makes it perfect to use as a replacement for your refridgerator, while you're in a camp and in other situations. The structure is easily detachable when it is not needed.

This cooler bag is a quality bag as well as the other two Bravo Cristallo bags. The bag is very sturdy and durable. It is also beautifully colored in green with white and brown stripes.

The bag features a large compartment for practical use. The bag is internally lined with aluminum sheets, which ensure high isolation for long perservation of your food and beverages. The bag is made out of 600D polyester and teslin.

The bag insulated cooler bag comes with a travel bag for easier transportation.

Product number: 7401232
Dimensions: 37 x 37 x 86 cm
Color: green

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