Weltweiter versand
Mon-Fre 8-16h
Sprache:  DE
Weltweiter versand
Mon-Fre 8-16h
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Towable tube quick release - schnelle Veröffentlichung

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Towable tube quick release - schnelle Veröffentlichung
Towable tube quick release - schnelle Veröffentlichung
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Towable tube quick release - schnelle Veröffentlichung
Towable tube quick release - schnelle Veröffentlichung
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Towable tube quick release - schnelle Veröffentlichung

0 Rezensionen
29,95 €
Nicht auf Lager
29,95 €
Zur Wunschliste
Nicht auf Lager
schnellere Lieferung:
schnellere Lieferung:
Lieferzeit 3-14 TageETD: 3-14 Tage 5,00 €
Lieferzeit 3-14 TageETD: 3-14 Tage 8,00 €

Quick release for inflatable towable tubes will ensure your safety on your towable tube.

The quick release is attached directly on the inflatable tube, between the tubes line and the attachment hook. The short line on the quick release needs to be attached around your wrist. It will allow you to detach the tube from the boat at any time and if you fall in the water, the tube will automatically be released. You will be able to hold on the tube until the boat comes back.

Quick release is mandatory equippment in France!


Quick release for inflatable towable tubes will ensure your safety on your towable tube.

The quick release is attached directly on the inflatable tube, between the tubes line and the attachment hook. The short line on the quick release needs to be attached around your wrist. It will allow you to detach the tube from the boat at any time and if you fall in the water, the tube will automatically be released. You will be able to hold on the tube until the boat comes back.

Quick release is mandatory equippment in France!

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