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Mon-Fre 8-16h
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Startseite > Nautik > Boote und Ausrüstung > Nautische pumpe und Filter > Rule 360 GPH/1363 LPH Standard 12V Bilgenpumpe
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Rule 360 GPH/1363 LPH Standard 12V Bilgenpumpe

ID: IT0500036013
0 Rezensionen
Rule 360 GPH/1363 LPH Standard 12V  Bilgenpumpe
Rule 360 GPH/1363 LPH Standard 12V  Bilgenpumpe
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Rule 360 GPH/1363 LPH Standard 12V  Bilgenpumpe
Rule 360 GPH/1363 LPH Standard 12V  Bilgenpumpe
ID: IT0500036013
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Rule 360 GPH/1363 LPH Standard 12V Bilgenpumpe

0 Rezensionen
44,90 €
Auf Lager
44,90 €
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Auf Lager
schnellere Lieferung:
schnellere Lieferung:
(Oben PLZ eintreten)
Lieferzeit 5-6 TageETD: 5-6 Tage 5,00 €
Lieferzeit 3-5 TageETD: 3-5 Tage 11,00 €

Rule brand builds on over 50 years of operational excellence and application expertise with a broad range of solutions for the marine industry.

Our bilge pumps provide ultimate pumping performance, which helps keep your bilge clear of nuisance water, building on the genuine Rule design.

Rigorous engineering and testing helped generate the new series of bilge pumps. Our pumps are tested to the highest standard, achieving rated performance at 12V vs. 13.6V, resulting in higher flow with better efficiency for the toughest applications.

Connections: For 19mm (3/4") bore hose.
Dimensions: 90mm high, 60 mm base diameter.
Fuse Size: 2.5(amp)
Output: Up to 23 litres/minute (5 gallons/minute). Max. recommended discharge head 2m.
Light, compact pump for ski-boats and small vessels.
Tough plastic body with integral strainer.
Quick release inlet strainer allows rapid cleaning.
Low amp draw conserves batteries.
Ignition protected.
For automatic operation, use Rule Float Switches.
Packaged Dimensions: L:15.00 x H:8.00 x W:19.00cm
Actual Weight: 0.36 Kg (Approx. 0.56 Kg packed)


Rule brand builds on over 50 years of operational excellence and application expertise with a broad range of solutions for the marine industry.

Our bilge pumps provide ultimate pumping performance, which helps keep your bilge clear of nuisance water, building on the genuine Rule design.

Rigorous engineering and testing helped generate the new series of bilge pumps. Our pumps are tested to the highest standard, achieving rated performance at 12V vs. 13.6V, resulting in higher flow with better efficiency for the toughest applications.

Connections: For 19mm (3/4") bore hose.
Dimensions: 90mm high, 60 mm base diameter.
Fuse Size: 2.5(amp)
Output: Up to 23 litres/minute (5 gallons/minute). Max. recommended discharge head 2m.
Light, compact pump for ski-boats and small vessels.
Tough plastic body with integral strainer.
Quick release inlet strainer allows rapid cleaning.
Low amp draw conserves batteries.
Ignition protected.
For automatic operation, use Rule Float Switches.
Packaged Dimensions: L:15.00 x H:8.00 x W:19.00cm
Actual Weight: 0.36 Kg (Approx. 0.56 Kg packed)

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