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Startseite > SUP Board > SUP Paddel > Angle SUP paddel > Angle SUP Paddel carbon UNIBODY 2-teilig 175-215cm
< Angle SUP paddel

Angle SUP Paddel carbon UNIBODY 2-teilig 175-215cm

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Angle SUP Paddel carbon UNIBODY 2-teilig 175-215cm
Angle SUP Paddel carbon UNIBODY 2-teilig 175-215cm
Angle SUP Paddel carbon UNIBODY 2-teilig 175-215cm
Angle SUP Paddel carbon UNIBODY 2-teilig 175-215cm
Angle SUP Paddel carbon UNIBODY 2-teilig 175-215cm
Angle SUP Paddel carbon UNIBODY 2-teilig 175-215cm
Angle SUP Paddel carbon UNIBODY 2-teilig 175-215cm
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Angle SUP Paddel carbon UNIBODY 2-teilig 175-215cm
Angle SUP Paddel carbon UNIBODY 2-teilig 175-215cm
Angle SUP Paddel carbon UNIBODY 2-teilig 175-215cm
Angle SUP Paddel carbon UNIBODY 2-teilig 175-215cm
Angle SUP Paddel carbon UNIBODY 2-teilig 175-215cm
Angle SUP Paddel carbon UNIBODY 2-teilig 175-215cm
Angle SUP Paddel carbon UNIBODY 2-teilig 175-215cm
Angle SUP Paddel carbon UNIBODY 2-teilig 175-215cm
Angle SUP Paddel carbon UNIBODY 2-teilig 175-215cm
Angle SUP Paddel carbon UNIBODY 2-teilig 175-215cm
Angle SUP Paddel carbon UNIBODY 2-teilig 175-215cm
Angle SUP Paddel carbon UNIBODY 2-teilig 175-215cm
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Angle SUP Paddel carbon UNIBODY 2-teilig 175-215cm

0 Rezensionen
109,90 €
Auf Lager
109,90 €
Zur Wunschliste
Auf Lager
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schnellere Lieferung:
(Oben PLZ eintreten)
Lieferzeit 5-6 TageETD: 5-6 Tage kostenlos0,00 €
Lieferzeit 3-5 TageETD: 3-5 Tage 14,00 €

Angle SUP Paddel carbon UNIBODY 2-teilig 175-215cm


Carbon fibre SUP paddle Carbon Unibody is made out of 100% carbon fibre in combination with a carbon fibre handle. Handle, which is made out of carbon fibre is made in one piece. This allows the handle to lie perfectly in your hand. The biggest advantage of a carbon fibre paddle is the high ruggedness and durability of the material that offers a perfect experience while paddling. Paddling with a carbon fibre paddle provides an improved paddling experience, especially for longer distances.

Paddle offers an excellent paddling experience because it is made out of 100% carbon, and not as in most cases where carbon is used in combination with fibreglass. For stronger or faster paddling, the handle does not bend and therefore the paddling power is not lost. The blade is made out of extremely durable plastic to make it resistant to impact if you paddle quite often.

Unibody SUP paddle falls into the category of the easiest paddles and can be compared with the paddles of a higher price class. Paddles in the Unibody series differ in the shape of the blade, and you can choose between two-piece and three-piece paddles.

Technical specification:

  • two-piece SUP paddle
  • Handle made out of Carbon fibre
  • Plastic blade
  • Size of the blade: 8.0' (20.32 cm)
  • Adjustable length: 170-220cm
  • Material: 9K Carbon


Angle SUP Paddel carbon UNIBODY 2-teilig 175-215cm


Carbon fibre SUP paddle Carbon Unibody is made out of 100% carbon
fibre in combination with a carbon fibre handle. Handle, which is made
out of carbon fibre is made in one piece. This allows the handle to lie
perfectly in your hand. The biggest advantage of a carbon fibre paddle
is the high ruggedness and durability of the material that offers a
perfect experience while paddling. Paddling with a carbon fibre paddle
provides an improved paddling experience, especially for longer

Paddle offers an excellent paddling experience because it is made
out of
100% carbon, and not as in most cases where carbon is used in
combination with fibreglass. For stronger or faster paddling, the handle
does not bend and therefore the paddling power is not lost. The blade
is made out of extremely durable plastic to make it resistant to impact
if you paddle quite often.

Unibody SUP paddle falls into the category of the easiest paddles
and can be compared with the paddles of a higher price class. Paddles
in the
Unibody series differ in the shape of the blade, and you can choose
between two-piece and three-piece paddles.

Technical specification:

  • two-piece SUP paddle
  • Handle made out of Carbon fibre
  • Plastic blade
  • Size of the blade: 8.0' (20.32 cm)
  • Adjustable length: 170-220cm
  • Material: 9K Carbon

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